Fizza Hassan
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Pakistan
Title: Awareness of Antibiotic Stewardship Program amongst Doctors of Pediatric Unit (ADAPT study)
Biography: Fizza Hassan
Objective: To study the awareness about Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP) in doctors of pediatric unit of tertiary care hospitals of Karachi, Pakistan
Introduction: Inappropriate antimicrobial prescribing is common and is a key factor in the increase of rates of drug resistance, which causes a significant public health burden in terms of morbidity, mortality, and cost. Antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASP) is designed to optimize antimicrobial prescribing, to lower costs, to prevent medication errors, to improve therapeutic outcomes, and to prevent the development of antimicrobial resistance. Given increasing trends in antimicrobial resistance and the resulting limited treatment options, the treatment of hospital-acquired infections poses a significant challenge to healthcare providers. Optimization and conservation of current antimicrobials are necessary.
Aims: The aim of the study is to measure the knowledge of Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP) amongst doctors of tertiary care hospital. By doing this we can know that how many and how frequent awareness programs regarding ASP should be conducted in our tertiary care hospital.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study is based on questionnaire which was filled by doctors of pediatric units of tertiary care hospitals. Awareness amongst doctors was determined by this questionnaire. Inclusion criteria: Doctors registered by Pakistan Medical and Dental College working in Pediatric unit. Exclusion criteria: Doctors who were conducting the study were excluded. Doctors practicing in local clinics or Primary healthcare centers were not made the part of study.
Results: A total of 257 doctors were recruited in this study. Out of these Head of departments were 3.11% (n=8), Consultant, 10.89% (n=28), Senior Registrar 24.9% (n=64), Post-graduate trainees 38.13% (n=98), and Registered medical officers 22.95% (n=59). The percentage of awareness amongst doctors of Pediatric units was 85.21% (n=38), of which only 47.36% (n=18) had complete information regarding Antibiotic Stewardship Program. All the doctors enrolled in the study were willing to gain awareness of this program. 5.83% of the doctors had opinion that awareness program only might not help, a strict check and balance has to be kept on pharmacies and drug suppliers when issuing antibiotics whereas the rest 94.17% strongly agreed that awareness in doctors will be helpful in reduction in overuse and unnecessary prescription of antimicrobial agents.
Conclusion: The successful implementation of antimicrobial stewardship strategies will have a significant impact on reducing targeted and non-targeted antimicrobial use, improving quality of care of hospitalized children and preventing emergence of resistance, thus, reducing morbidity and mortality in young patients.