Rania Tomerak
Cairo University, Egypt
Title: Clinical scenario of primary dyslipidemia in the pediatric age group: An Egyptian experience
Biography: Rania Tomerak
Objectives: To study the frequency of occurrence of the different forms of primary dyslipidemia to display their various clinical presentations and their lipid profile before and six months after therapy.
Methods: Prospective study was conducted in the Cairo University Childrens' Hospital- Twenty primary dyslipidemic cases were included with history taking, clinical examination, electro-cardiography and echocardiography.
Investigations included: Total cholesterol, total triglycerides, LDL-C and HDL-C using enzymatic colorimetric methods, ApoA1, Apo B100 were evaluated using a Behring nephelometer. Different therapeutic modalities were offered and reassessment of laboratory tests was done every three months.
Results: Parents were consanguineous in 75%. Eleven cases had hypercholesterolemia; eight had xanthoma, one had xanthelasma, two had hypo pigmentation, three had corneal arcus, one had lipemia retinalis and six had cardiac manifestations among which one case had myocardial infarction and one case died. Three cases had hyper triglyceridemia; three had milky plasma, two had xanthoma, two had lipaemia retinalis, one case had pancreatitis and none had cardiac manifestations. Six cases had mixed hyperlipidemia; five had xanthoma, three had lipaemia retinalis and two had cardiac manifestations. After six months of multi-drug use, the laboratory lipid profile was unsatisfactory in majority of the cases.
Conclusion: Primary dyslipidemia may present early and pediatricians should have high index of suspicion. These children should be put on early strict lipid reduction protocols to prevent complications.