Sonia El Saiedi
Cairo University, Egypt.
Title: Tissue doppler derived Left ventricular global diastolic and regional systolic function in children with dilated cardiomyopathy
Biography: Sonia El Saiedi
Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an important cause of disability and death in patients of all ages. Egyptian children may differ from Western and Asian patients in the pattern of hypertrophy distribution, clinical manifestations and risk factors.
Objectives: The present work aimed to register the clinical characteristics and outcomes of our children with HCM over a period of 7 years and to determine whether reported adult risk factors for SCD are predictive of outcome in these affected children.
Study design & Methods: A retrospective study that reviewed the clinical data of 128 HCM pediatric patients. These data included personal and family history, physical examination, baseline laboratory measurements, ECG, Holter and echocardiographic results. Logistic regression analysis was done for detection of risk factor of death.
Results: Fifty-one out of 128 patients died during the period of the study. Extreme LVH (interventricular septal wall (IVS) thickness or posterior wall (PW) thickness Z score>6, presence of sinus tachycardia and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) were independent risk factors for prediction of death in patients of HCM.
Conclusions: In our Egyptian tertiary care center, HCM has a relatively worse prognosis. Infants have a worse outcome than children presenting after the age of one year. A poorer prognosis in HCM is predicted by extreme LVH, presence of sinus tachycardia and SVT.